About God
• God is the eternal Creator and Ruler of the universe.
• He is the Father of Jesus Christ.
• He is our Father and will provide for all the needs of our bodies and spirits.
• He is everywhere.
About Jesus Christ
• Jesus is the only begotten Son of God and is God.
• He gave His life as the final perfect sacrifice for the sins of the world; salvation comes only
through Him.
• He arose from the dead and is alive forevermore.
• He is King of kings and is victorious over all evil.
About the Holy Spirit
• The Holy Spirit is co-equal with the Father and the Son, three persons in the triune God.
• He is the comforter who dwells in the hearts of all who have received Jesus Christ as their
personal Savior, convincing them of the truth of Christ’s teachings, and empowering
them to do right.
About the Bible
• The Bible is the complete, inerrant, inspired Word of God. It is our guide to show us what
we should believe and how we should live.
•It is for everyone to read so that all may hear God speak to their hearts and minds.
Download Doctrinal Statement
Major concerns you may have about Christafari addressed:

We are all born again Christians.

We are all about putting Jesus first and lifting His name alone on high.

We preach the Gospel clearly at every single event and have seen over 700,000 decisions for Christ in recent years.

We preach only from the Word of God with plain and normal interpretation of the Scriptures (hermeneutical approach).

We are led by Pastor Mark Mohr (BIOLA University Alumn).

Christafari has been ministering scandal free for 32 years.

We are held accountable by our local bodies, pastors, and are under the umbrella of The Sowers International and the Luis Palau Next Generation Alliance of Evangelists.

We are all about the Great Commission.

We’ve ministered as missionaries in 85 countries and 49 states.


RASTAS: We are not Rastafarians. While our name may sound like a play on words or some kind of cult, in Greek and Latin it means “a group of people who collectively choose to bear or represent the name of Jesus Christ.” It’s where the name “Christopher” comes from. You can’t say our name without putting “Christ” first.

DRUGS/MARIJUANA: We don’t smoke marijuana, cigarettes, vape, or use any sort of drugs or alcohol. Being completely sober is a key part of our ministry and witness to others.

BLM: We don’t ascribe to the philosophy of Black Lives Matter. Although the majority of our band are people of color and they sure do matter, we believe that ALL SOULS MATTER - from the womb to the tomb!

CRT: We do not support Critical Race Theory. We all come from Adam and Eve and are one blood. Any form of racism is absolutely unacceptable since every single one of us was made in the image of God.

ABORTION: We oppose abortion. God’s Word is very clear that life begins at conception. We’ve recorded pro-life songs and have been a part of many pro-life events.

SEX: We believe sex is only acceptable (and encouraged!) in a God-ordained marriage between a man and a woman, and therefore we do not condone sex before our outside of marriage.

LGBTQ+: We do not support the LGBTQ+ agenda. Romans 1 is clear and we firmly believe that God loves us all too much to let us stay in our sin. We love and pray for all people fervently. We speak about this from personal experience, as a few of our members have come out of this sin in the past and have been straight for a few years - praise the Lord! They now use their powerful testimonies to reach others for Christ.

We aren’t free from scrutiny, pastoral oversight, or accountability. We hold to Billy Graham’s modesto manifesto, have accountability partners within (and outside of) the band, and we have pastors that speak into our lives and correct us as necessary.

We aren’t against your asking any questions or raising any other concerns you may have with us. We would love to alleviate any possible doubts that you may have regarding this ministry.

We will also gladly forward an extensive list of pastorals references upon request.

Pastor Mark Mohr 

Until all have heard...


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