1 Samuel 2:2 reads, “There is no Rock like our God.” When I think of the word Rock, I’m reminded of the profession of faith made by Peter when Jesus asked, “Who do you say that I am? “Simon Peter answered, ‘You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” (Matthew 16:16) The belief that Jesus is Lord is the true foundation of our faith. This is why Jesus replied, “On this rock I will build my church.”
As we learn from the parable of the two builders in Matthew 7:24-27, there is no safer place to build than the rock and no more dangerous place to put your house than the sand. Just ask the former owners of mansions built on the sandstone cliffs of Palos Verdes and Malibu. It may look grand, but it will not stand.
A wise man builds his house on the rock; we would be smart to do the same. What are the key elements of this rock, and what’s the best way to ensure that your house is correctly fastened to a strong foundation? In our case, how do we get the thousands that come to Christ on our tours to be firmly planted on this foundation? It all starts with the cornerstone - Jesus Christ. The positioning of every other brick in our lives is determined by his position in our hearts as Lord.
Some of the crucial building blocks we add to this to make a building will endure can be best described by the acronym PRAYS. As we say from the stage, “The person who PRAYS to Jesus stays with Jesus.”
PRAY, listen & obey
READ your Bible daily
ATTEND church & a small group
YIELD to the Holy Spirit —Jesus first
SHARE your faith
If repeated, these 5 steps are the building blocks of discipleship and ultimately make future disciple-makers!
We’ve been sharing this from the stage every night for a while. Then, one night last summer in Zambia, Ziza came up with creative hand signals to help the audience remember PRAYS. It was incredible seeing 30,000 repeat the hand signals together!
Fast forward to our Japan tour, and we just came off of a very successful string of events, after which we realized that we needed more uptempo songs in our set to reach the youth. It all started with God giving me one word on our flight to the Philippines: “Capstone.” I then added, “He is the Head Cornerstone.” Within a few minutes, the song was almost complete, so I rushed into the bathroom on the plane and recorded my ideas so as not to lose them. I wonder what the passengers waiting outside thought!
At the next concert in the Philippines, I felt the Lord nudging me to try it out on the audience with splendid results! Long after we finished the last song of the concert, the passionate youth kept shouting,” He’s my rock, He’s my rock, yes Jesus is my rock!” It was a catchy hook, And the upbeat tempo had the kids bouncing around like kangaroos on the basketball court in this poor community on the outskirts of Manila.
We hope you enjoy it and build your life on the true cornerstone—Jesus Christ—the only true foundation!