Last September, when we were touring Japan, we shared the stage with a pastor with a unique Christafari story. He used to be an atheist who didn't want anything to do with God.
Then, a Christian who loved him and knew he loved reggae conspired for his salvation by giving him a Christafari CD. After opening himself up to our music, he was impacted by the message, and the Holy Spirit started doing some serious work in his life. The rest is history.
After Japan, we headed to the Philippines, where we learned of a couple who had a similar story. This is why we do this! We were so impacted by these and countless other stories we've heard in over 90 nations that we decided to use this story as the treatment for our next music video.
Thanks so much for sending us to the ends of the earth as we continue impacting lives for Christ! If this blesses you, kindly consider partnering with us to make more events and content like this possible. Please help reach the lost at any cost and make disciples of all nations.