"We are musicianaries; musical missionaries with one primary goal; to reach as many different peoples and nations as possible with the undiluted gospel of Jesus Christ. We commit to sharing this great news through our lives, humanitarian efforts, music and at each of our outreach events with a clear call to salvation. We desire that all of our actions and songs give glory to God, edify the Body of Christ and encourage the church to embrace diverse styles of worship."
"Go into the world and preach the gospel to all creation..." Mark 16:15
Reaching the lost at any cost and making disciples of all nations
Christafari is under The Sowers International; a non-profit global missions organization. To help facilitate in this this vision, Sowers now collects, accounts for, and distributes all missions support through their online platform.
If you require U.S. tax deduction, please use the following options:
Tax deductible mail-in donation and recurring gifts by check:
Checks should be payable to “Sowers International”. The memo section should clearly include “CHRISTAFARI” or the specific band member. Please mail to:
Sowers International
c/o CRM
PO Box 77160
Corona, CA 92883
Tax deductible donation and recurring gifts by clicking the button below:
DONATE via SowersDonate via Paypal (no tax deduction)

In-Person Donations:
Make checks payable to “Christafari”. In-person donations can be brought to the merchandise table Donation Box or the donation basket during Love Offering.
Cash App: